Assalamualaikum my dear followers
In conjunction with our 3rd year running; providing the finest lady-muslim garment,
we have undergo smashing makeover and major re branding.
In this graceful day, we are delighted to announce that
we will no longer be avail under the baby name of AN Online Boutique.
Instead we remodel ourselves as Nayyara Attire.
Throughout these past years *flips shawl*
experience has pushed us to where we are now.
We are determined to be better in service and
for the first time ever bring forward
array of exclusive dresses and tops for you ladies.
Due to constant demand, Nayyara Attire
will still provide daily line of skirt and
cardigan as well as our bouquet of blouses.
Yours truly,
Ms Azlina
Waalaikumsalam, pls cek
Bisakah kita kerjasama